The online demo is individual and takes place in real time with a specialist in Electromyography.

This is what you are going to learn in this online demo

numero 1 claro

Key concepts of muscle activity

Everyone knows what muscle activity is but very few know ALL THE INFORMATION IT PROVIDES. You will learn to measure muscle activity to better understand the injuries of your patients.

numero 2 claro

Essential rules to know how to choose your therapy

Muscle activity levels classify whether a muscle is inhibited or overactive. You will learn to follow 3 BASIC RULES to choose the technique that will IMPROVE NEUROMUSCULAR FUNCTION.

numero 3 claro

Quality of movement and muscle synergies

The focus on the evaluation and treatment of an injury has evolved to the modification of motor control. You will learn to DETECT THE most known ALTERED MUSCLE PATTERNS and techniques to correct them.

These centers already dominate Electromyography

What do the people who make this demo think?

Patricia Beltrá

Physiotherapist of the clinic FISADE


After establishing the theoretical bases, the part of the practical application of the assessments in real cases and how to draw conclusions in the most common pathologies have seemed incredibly intuitive to me.

Natalia López

Director of clinic Melius


I have learned to assess quickly but objectively. The concept I had about electromyography has changed and I have realized how much benefit it can get from the feedback with the patient.

Jorge Sánchez

Director of 4D entrenamiento


Their training is very complete and recommendable. He would repeat it over and over again until he finished understanding everything that was said. In summary I would say that they are very interesting and applicable to the daily work in my training center.

Christian Castilla

Physiotherapist of RCD Mallorca


What I liked the most was the number of examples of using the EMG. In my case, as a soccer retrainer, being able to measure muscle activity dynamically is a very valuable tool.